Monday 28 February 2011

Rushing Forward

This pic was created for the GT art contest held at dA.

Sunday 27 February 2011


One of my attempts at creating a 3D version of a 2D character. The original character is called Luke, he belongs to Liar - a friend at the Macro*Heaven forums. I spent an hour trying to find the 'pink hearts' texture for his boxers  ^_^

Big Boy In The City

Still moving stuff from Imageshack.

This image series is quite old - I think I made it in late 2009. These pics were also among the first renders that I posted on the internet.

The final scene that everyone seems to like, with the boy being lowered into the giant's mouth, was suggested by GiantToby ^_^


I keep moving pics from Imageshack to Blogspot. This one was made for the Macro*Heaven community - it is a sort of a 'visual roleplay' piece with several members forming the Inquisition - an evil organization trying to take over the site by summoning the stomping giant ^_^ Fun stuff. The image quality is not too good - I tried to keep the rendering times to a minimum, but it turned out okay. And someone said the giant looks like Justin Bieber. Oh, the horror!

Another Bedroom Pic

I'm moving the stuff from Imageshack. This was a request for a friend and an experiment with multiple lightsources. Turned out pretty good.


Since Imageshack is acting up again, I'm going to post this here.

Thursday 24 February 2011

The Fish Tank

Two pics requested by the user at M*H forums.